This evening, I took a break from making individual tiles and used a mapping program called Tiled. It is quickly gaining favor here due to the layering ability and ability to add object layers to break the 'soldiering' of tiles. Kudos to the creator of Tiled, if you haven't looked it up, here is a link:
And here is a shot of a quick map made this evening of digital tiles for dirtpaths, shadows, trees, perennials and meadowlands at 25%
And zooming in to 100%, you can really start naming off the various plant life. I love detail. Looks like there is a tile or two that still doesn't blend properly, but again, that is fun part of making test maps. I can print out tilesheets, and fix those identified. Otherwise, things are coming along phenomenally! The many many many hours spent traversing through paddy laden cow pastures, tick infested woods and along sun scorched roads to photograph plant life, then hours of creating digital trees from single branches and photographs and finally seeing it in map's been most definitely worth it.
Cheers for now!