Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Continuing with some full color backgrounds

For those familiar with the Merchant Wagons and Tent Bazaar sets, you may have noticed there are variations of the maps. Have you noticed that the sections of map from one set align with the maps from the other set as well? So here's the plan:

A few weeks ago, when planning for the Scene Additions sets 9 & 10, I decided to start building a world. It is the reason there are variations of the maps included in the sets, and so that GM's could reuse the sets with different variations for different adventures. It's that whole bang for your buck, and and idea that I hope folks who purchase my work enjoy.  So above, as you can see, is a screen shot clip of a topo map I had created. Each grid piece represents a 20x20 square map on the 140x140 pixel ratio layout. 

Notice the maps from set 9 & 10? as well as Keep Secrets? yeah, they are being designed with the intent of expanding the usability (I hope) of the maps with a mix and match of variations. The lake is being redesigned with a couple new themes as well and will be included in set12:

Not sure how folks will respond to this, so if you have some feedback, that would be great. At present, I'm thinking somewhere between 10-16 map backgrounds with at least 3 variations (trees, no trees, wagon tracks and pristine). Each set like this will also include a separate element, building on past sets. For instance, I am designing some campgrounds for this set that can be put anywhere (within reason) on the maps, or used for other maps. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Some quick roads, enjoy!

Will recently asked for some roads for the world map view. So I thought I would make a quick set for everyone to enjoy! For use with Old World Style as roads for world view, or maybe a path of sorts for the regional level zoom.

Here you are Will!

(right click --->save image as ---> (put into the folder you want))